SGSC Class of 2025


Southwest Georgia STEM Group Photo

Welcome to Southwest Georgia STEM Charter School

A focused, competitive, hands-on, and joyful learning environment for all students that will prepare them to become successful, gracious, scholarly citizens.

Southwest Georgia STEM Charter School Newsletter

March 24-27, 2025

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members, We are excited to see all of our Aggie Achievers on Monday - 3/24/25! It is so important to have your child to school each and every day possible to make sure they are receiving the BEST instruction! We hope you all will have a wonderful Spring Break! It is my hope that you will spend quality time with your children throughout the week. While spending time together, please remind your child how to exhibit proper behavior at school while keeping their main focus on academics. We would like for everyone to return after the break ready to finish the year strong!

Mon Mar 24 10:05 AM

March 17-21, 2025

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members, We are excited to see all of our Aggie Achievers on Monday - 3/17/25! It is so important to have your child to school each and every day possible to make sure they are receiving the BEST instruction! Parents - if you will, please submit transportation change requests as soon as you learn of the need for a change. Many of our buses are full -especially if there are no games or practices happening after school - and adding extra students is becoming an overcrowding issue. We will address this next year by adding a new bus to handle the overflow, but we will need you all to work with us this year for a smooth finish to the end of the year. If you need a change in transportation, you must provide this IN WRITING. This can be through a note sent to school with your child or you can email to request the change. These requests should be in place no later than 1:30 pm on the day of the request, preferably sooner. Thanks!

Mon Mar 17 09:17 AM

March 10-14, 2025

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members, We are excited to see all of our Aggie Achievers on Monday - 3/10/25! It is so important to have your child to school each and every day possible to make sure they are receiving the BEST instruction! We have had an increase in physical altercations at the school over the last two weeks. We WILL NOT tolerate fighting at SGSC. Please speak with your child about how to handle conflicts with other students. With Out of School Suspension (OSS), your child receives 0s in classes while they are out. This can cause them to fail classes or not earn the credits for classes. If a student returns and engages in fighting again, he or she will be recommended for expulsion. We are a school of choice - if your child chooses to fight at school; perhaps, we are not the best choice for your child. We need students who are interested in learning - not fighting.

Fri Mar 14 08:37 AM

Hello March
March 3-7, 2025

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Community Members, We are excited to see all of our Aggie Achievers on Monday - 3/3/25! It is so important to have your child to school each and every day possible to make sure they are receiving the BEST instruction! Thank you all for completing the parent survey! It will be a huge contributing factor in our overall scores! We appreciate you!

Mon Mar 03 11:15 AM

Approved 2025-2026 School Calendar

Approved 2025-2026 School Calendar

SGSC Mission

Provide distinguished and integrated instruction in an environment that cultivates respect, is inclusive of all, and lays the foundation for excellence and life-long learning.
Group Photo of Students Smiling